
Fun Friday: Egg Carton Caterpillar Craft

Caterpillar Craft for Kids

Written by Nicole from Nurse Mommy Super Woman

caterpillar craft

We like using things we already have to make crafts like toilet paper and paper towel rolls, egg cartons, paper plates left over from a party, gift wrap from gifts we get etc. It saves on waste and saves me money on craft supplies! For this craft we used an egg carton we just emptied!

caterpillar materials

You can make these just to learn about caterpillars or you can use them for counting, and color identification. I have colored bingo chips I use for them to count and also to match up colors. Like with the blue caterpillar I would give them a handful of different color chips and have them put just the blue ones on the blue caterpillar.

1. Cut out the body – The first step to building your Egg Carton Caterpillar is cutting out half of an egg carton.

2. Color your caterpillar – We love using paint! Now its time to color your caterpillar. You can paint it, color it with markers, or glue things onto it. I like to use lots of bright colors for my bugs.

caterpillar craft 2

3. Add facial features –  Cut out two circles of white paper for the eyes and glue them onto the face. Or use googly eyes like we did! Next poke two pieces of pipe cleaner through the back of the head to make the antennae.

caterpillar craft 3


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